

"This is an excellent proving ground," the teacher said. "You see a lot of herd behavior, what happens when one in the herd panics, also loner behavior and how that's hit or miss. Instability, insanity, a certain level of illogical unpredictability - Earth is ideal as a "preparatory course" where you perfect your skills." The student nodded, but looked around uncertain. "You're welcome to ask any questions you have ...," the teacher encouraged, sensing unrest. "Well, there's that thing where - for a moment - we take on the attributes of the kill after we feed, and that makes me nervous," the student eventually confessed. The teacher nodded. "I understand. This is why a mentor or aide - someone not a First Year - is always in the shadows to help. You never hunt alone because, yes, you'll ... well ... for a little while, you'll be an idiot." The young vampire sighed heavily, but was grateful to learn a handler would be assigned; he missed home - the beauty and all of the conveniences of the vampire planet, but accepted that everyone had to go through basic training (and Earth was as basic as it got).

In Memory of Michaela DePrince

In Memory of Michaela DePrince