As a (mind) Reader, Cara had been assigned to HR; they tried not to ask about it (because it felt dangerous to do so), but Rami (as a Logical, he had been assigned to Operations for problem-solving) snapped at happy hour and pummeled her with questions. "Do you catch a lot of liars?" he started, leaning in. "Do people think they're clever? Are we all garbage?" "You know that I cannot give you any details," Cara responded, giving him a look. "What I will say is that, yes, we lie; we think we're clever; we are ridiculously self-absorbed." Rami cheered and took a drink. "What is also true is that we hide a vast history of trying hard and weathering failure, hoping and having those hopes dashed, and taking on the suffering of others without being asked. Underneath the garbage, IF there's garbage, is something else - a ferocity and a nobility that is the last part of us to die." Rami held his drink in mid-air, frozen in feeling, and Midi ordered another round for the table when the server came (figuring they were going to need it).