

The wolf waited, adjusting its granny glasses so that it could see a little better (ALL the better to ... well, you know); the bed was comfortable, but sitting up in that flannel nightie rubbed its fur in all of the wrong ways. It wanted to whine, but didn't dare; honestly, this little bit of red cape was taking her own sweet time. "So annoying," the wolf thought to itself, fidgeting while attempting to sit upright on its tucked tail (which was completely unnatural). "All of this dither for a skinny house rat." Time passed, and the wolf knew that it had passed significantly (from the way the logs in the hearth had burned away); it was peevish, uncomfortable, and positively roasting in fur and flannel. There was a faint but persistent odor of Ivory soap and old books and medicated powders for this and that. "GROWL," the wolf let loose, and then chided itself hearing the front door to the cottage open softly. "Grandmother?" a young voice called out. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?" the wolf blasted, unable to help it, and the young girl sighed. This is why she didn't rush and visited less and less overall; Granny was a sharp-tongued, irritable piece of work, and it smelled like damp dog in the corners of the place. "I'll bring the tea in!" Red Riding Hood called out cheerily, quickly fixing a tray and putting two sleep tablets in the elder's cup. They could have a lovely non-visit, where she'd watch videos on her phone and make a sandwich, stay two hours, then hit the road. "So annoying," the girl thought to herself, leaving her cape on.

In Memory of James Earl Jones

In Memory of James Earl Jones

