Father Bremmer stood in the middle of the driveway, confused. "You DON'T want a house blessing?" "Correct," April said warmly. "We'd like a yard blessing. Just the yard, please." "Because the house is already blessed?" Father Bremmer attempted to clarify. "No," Richard said, "which is why we think this will work great. You bless away out here, and we'll welcome the spirits back inside." "Back ... inside?" Father Bremmer repeated, looking at Richard as if he were mad. "They all left and came out here about a month ago," April explained. "They hate the remodel and we just ... God, we feel so bad! Oh ... uh ... sorry ... " She grimaced, not trying to offend anybody by taking names in vain. "So we returned the tiny upstairs bedroom to its original color scheme and put the wainscoting back up (after a good oiling); we have a candle burning in there and some spirit bottles sitting around." "Naturally," Father Bremmer said softly, just standing there.