

"Your dad wants me to ask you if you're being productive," their mother asked, leaning close to the camera (so only an eye and part of a nose could be seen ). "Sorry," she added in a whisper. Megan laughed. "Well, I have been doing yoga every day and I've lost ten pounds; I feel great!" "Oh!" her mother exclaimed, beaming. "Good for you, Honey! I never took to yoga; this ol' Iowa girl doesn't do Super Down Dog." "Downward Facing Dog, Mom," Megan corrected, grinning. "What?" her mother said then. Craig groaned, lowering his head and raising it again. "I've finished my night class and got a new coding certification for work," he said in a tired voice. "I've been putting in a lot of extra hours supporting the systems at two of our hospital contract sites. They're struggling." "Awww, that is so wonderful!" his mother said. "Whatever you can do ... the need is so great right now." Craig nodded, falling to silence. "What about you, Reggie?" their mother pressed. "You doing anything special in quarantine, Sweetie?" Reggie took a deep breath and murmured, "I've had so much caffeine and sugar that I can smell space and time." In the awkward silence that followed, their mother stared into the camera without flinching. "Well," she said at last with a sympathetic smile, "I think it's important to stay energized.”



