"It's haunted as hell," he said, taking a sip, "and we need to sell it." To his surprise, she nodded and took a deep breath. "Truthfully, being haunted is not a barrier to finding a buyer, but it could take time," she said. "Mostly, it'll take time because I'm not going to lie about it and negotiate price with The Unsuspecting. We go full, hey-you-lifelong-goths-buy-this-dark-portal-ghost-farm in our approach and let the right people step forward." He was stunned and sat frozen (blinking and open-mouthed) for a moment. "You've done this before," he responded. "Yep," she continued. "Not my first other worldly real estate goat rodeo." "And you weren't shocked when I told you it was haunted," he observed. "Nope," she confirmed. "The place is a murder magnet; I felt it right away. That thing in the back bedroom ... that's too gnarly for most." She sipped while he slipped back into staring.