Gianna looked up from the cards with a sigh of resignation. "Don't tell him this next bit," the cards had said. "Gawd, I HATE IT when you DO THAT!" she'd thought to herself. "Destiny is a thing that responds to choice," Gianna began. "You embark upon it, and it is one thing with a set of outcomes; you deny it, and the path closes so that another can open with its own consequences. All paths may lead you to the same place or ultimate version of yourself (as the goal may be who you eventually turn out to be)." "Uh ... okay," the client said, jonesing for confirmation that now was the time (to do something brilliant / pointless / stupid). "Fate is the dramatic resolution to everything we try - regardless of whether we succeed or fail; it's the exclamation point of human life," Gianna continued and then waited. "Am I going to die?" he client whispered. "Properly understood, we're all going to die eventually," she responded (because she couldn't resist). "What the cards are trying to say is that it may be time to act, but do so carefully." "YES!" he fist-pumped the air. "I KNEW IT!" You had to let them just kind of run with it, whatever "it" was. After he'd left, Gianna had drawn three more cards to read what was projected. "Hilarity ensues," came the message, and she packed it in for the day.