"Sgaoil na dìomhaireachdan agad; bheir mi iad," she whispered to the trees. "I'm sorry?" Detective Morgan asked, not understanding. "Ah, it's nothing," Sharon responded, smiling over at him. "Can't be a cop in a copse and not give the place a blessing for peace. My mum would be so proud!" There were smiles all 'round, but nothing to see, so the search went on. Sharon left last, straightening her uniform and removing her cap. "Tillidh mi a-nochd; caidil gu math," she said, bowing. The old ways hid in plain sight and Sharon knew beyond knowing that at least two bodies were buried here; as a Druid, asking the trees for their help came second nature. "Release your secrets; I will take them," she had promised. "I'll return tonight. Sleep well." She'd make good on her troth and bring an offering as well as couple of body bags. The roots would push everything up and then it fell to you to make things right.