This was her day to call the lesser known, oddly attractive, not-even-close-to-the-usual suspects. They were surprised to hear from her (almost always, except the psychic ones) and played One Holiday Truth, One Holiday Lie so well that you could almost not tell the two apart. They were less obvious, less extroverted, less prone to reporting facts and figures when you asked them how it was going; mysterious and quirky, they'd laugh and whisper, "Well, I haven't been arrested!" as if food for thought should always have whipped cream and a cherry on top. They would have amazing conversations and, while she was clearly the most predictable and less riveting end of the discussion, both parties would enjoy themselves immensely and disconnect warmly. "Why don't I call more often? Why don't they call at all?" she would ask herself, but knew the answer. You don't need a map of the stars; you only need to look up once in a while.