

"Let's continue our negotiations," the lead said. "What's on the table is that we split public and private duties; anything Outside World - including diplomacy, plotting revenge, acts of war, and campaigns for peace ... would be me. Anything personal, including stressors surrounding family, friends, and romantic relationships, including seasonal obligations and mitigating the circumstances of betrayal, would be you." "Who gets the history of trauma?" the person in the mirror asked, its mouth twitching. "Both of us," the lead replied. "We have no choice but to share it (along with notable strengths, weaknesses, and character flaws). Also, we'll have to split the consequences of our actions down through time. The good news is that going halfsies might feel like it lightens the load." "But you get all of the recognition and success," the mirror hissed. "And you get the animals ... all of the unconditional love," the lead reminded them. "Fuuuuuuck, this is hard," the mirror sighed. "AND you get the premium swear words," the lead grinned. "I'm kind of obligated to keep it clean." "Ooooo," the mirror perked up, "THAT sweetens the pot a bit."



