

They caught her at a moment when life was almost insufferably boring; had it not been, she may not have had the courage to rendezvous with a group of strangers at a coffee shop. "Thanks for coming; for us, that's Milestone #1," said the leader (a very eccentric- and serious-looking woman of middle age). "We realize that this feels like a Meetup pop-up, and I assure you that you're safe and this is real. We are Pandoras. To correct a misconception, "Pandora" is not a name, it's a title or role. Pandoras are catalysts for change of the "ready or not, buckle up buttercup" variety." Strangely enough, that made sense to her, and she looked around to find everyone smiling and nodding. "We are actively recruiting at this time and followed a tingle that led us here." "Thank you ... I guess?" she responded. "We look for intelligence," added one. "And consistent decision-making," offered another. "Maturity without stodginess or dithering," contributed the third (a young woman with light eyes and a fashionable pixie cut). "And enough spunk that chomping at the bit won't do," finished the last in the circle (a crone with a gorgeous afro a mile wide). "We are doers. We are the makers of things happening. We deliver justice, ah ha moments, and occasional kicks in the junk." "We more than open the box, we blow the lid off," the leader said then. "So ... interested? Ready to make some stuff brought and wrought?" She nodded "yes", feeling like it was a moment to be seized, whether she was dreaming it or not.



