She came into the dining hall, bustling and dabbing at the corner of her mouth. "Sorry to be late; I stopped by Home Depot to pick up something quick." The others smiled. "Any spectacular sales that we should know about?" one asked. "Life hacks for winterizing?" inquired another. "I didn't really do a big shop," she clarified, "and part of that, truthfully, is the time of year. Lots of Halloween decorating ideas ... you know. Fifty percent off of fake spider webbing." Dracula leaned forward (in his chair in front of the fire) and lowered his iPad, grinning. "Well, I think we're good in the DIY department there!" "Homespun is best," his wife agreed, leaning down to give him a peck on the cheek. "If that kind of thing is popular, I think we should consider monetizing trips to the basement ...," offered one of the others, and the room filled with delicious cold laughter.