

The glow on the floor behind Kenneth had started to fade, but it was still noticeable. "So, there's no actual fire," the policeman said. "Not anymore," Kenneth replied honestly, "and it was contained appropriately." "In a fireplace or fire pit?" asked the second cop. "In a certain sense, yes," Kenneth replied, finding that kind of amusing. "Sir, I appreciate your cooperation, but I must ask you to not set random fires in your home for your own health and safety and that of your neighbors," the first policeman continued. "I understand completely, but I want to be clear," Kenneth responded (and here he turned and gestured inside). "It was not a random fire, but a portal that I opened to the top level of the demon realms. See? The circle and the sigils all burned brightly, but there's no actual damage to the floor." "You ... opened a portal," the second cop repeated (peering past Kenneth as he turned back to face them). "Yes," Kenneth confirmed. "To Hell," the cop stated. "Yes," Kenneth confirmed again. "I'm proficient; I've done this oodles of times." "Because ... ?" the cop asked hesitantly. "Help with DIY projects, answers to life's mysteries, and simple companionship. I get lonely and they're always up for a Netflix binge," Kenneth explained (his tone warm and appreciative). The police stared at him for what felt like a long time before leaving.



