

"Brother Teu is at morning exercises," Venerable Lo said softly (pointing to the top of the hill nearby where a figure was visible). He will be with you in a moment, when he is living large." The visitor smiled. "Living ... large?" he asked, amused. Venerable Lo bowed and returned the smile. "Our practice returns us to our energy baseline and centers us, so that our intention can be clarified and focused. Energy is limitless; you can do nothing more than expand it, contract it, and govern it with intention. That is why, even if you do not have to go home, you may still go big." Venerable Lo turned and left them to wait in the sunshine of the garden. It was only moments before they heard a driving hip hop beat smashing its way through the valley - echoing from the hilltop and resounding back again. "This is a freaking magical place," someone whispered, feeling the ground vibrate.



