

It was very touching ... all of this stuff about a "final moment" ... a visitation with lots of extras; truthfully, Death didn't like to leave the house. "Absence does NOT necessarily make the heart grow fonder," it said to itself, "but distance sustains." Death laughed at that (wondered if it might need that on a t-shirt). "I am not laughing AT you, just uncomfortably WITH you," it whispered. "You are all so adorable and horrible." It was on a roll today, and it smiled as it pulled up the list. Death was mostly relieved that none of the living knew its job was more of a tech support role and not a sacred troth imbued with untold aeons of breathtaking majesty. It opened the first program, searched and found, then copied and pasted its signature line of code. "Fear not," Death whispered as the update struggled and then quit. "Recycle in peace." It had liked watching that particular Earth utility survive and thrive, but had received word that it would be moved to the paradise platform and relaunched. "Good for you!" Death whispered as the transfer protocol initiated. "You will LOVE the next thing."



