

Mindy went out to the garden, careful with the scissors (because scissors were something you should never run with, Mom said), and cut a few daisies to bring into the house. She had seen people put flowers in vases, knew where the vases were, and was careful with the water (not to the very top - too sloppy, too heavy). Mindy put the daisies on the kitchen table and felt happy she'd done it. Mom was surprised and touched when she got up and saw the flowers. "Oh, but ... they're not for you," Mindy said (self-conscious). "Did you pick them for yourself, Honey?" Mom asked, still smiling from ear to ear. "No, they're for Lucas," she explained. "Who's Lucas?" her mom asked (having never heard the name before). "He was passing through the walls today," Mindy whispered (delighted to tell someone), "and told me all about Decoration Day. He said he fell first thing when the war started, and it was a shame, but a bunch of his friends went with him ... quiet into a field of daisies. He still likes daisies best." Her mom sat very still for a long time, then reached out to take Mindy's hand. "Is Lucas still here? Does he like his flowers?" "Oh, no, he's gone now," Mindy explained. "They don't stay in one place very long; they wander far to see the world. It's just ... a kindness ... something to remember by." And she didn't know why her mom was crying, but she got a great big hug out of the deal.



