

After seeing Death in the hallway (and taking a moment to get over the initial shock), Beth Mary Margaret flagged the angel down. It drew back (a little surprised). "Sorry to disturb you," she said (in a hushed tone), "but I am fairly certain that you - of all of the angels, saints, and whatnot - know the meaning of life. Would you be willing to tell me?" Death looked at its list and found that Beth Mary Margaret was only two names down from the top and saw no point to being rude. "Essentially, it's to really live," the angel whispered. "Live your life, however you see to it. You are the only one of you, a singularity; a brilliant effort was made to bring forth a unique creation. Also ... (and here it hesitated and shifted a bit), you're just a number, so stay humble." Beth Mary Margaret beamed, fully satisfied with the answer and all that it implied. She blew the angel a kiss (which almost never happened) and toddled on her way. She felt better about everything (life, love, and her own stupefyingly awkward pursuit of happiness) after the meeting, for she had loved and lost and flubbered about until she loved again (which was almost a Herculean effort); Beth Mary Margaret would finish the game quirky and imperfect and worthy of paradise in every way.



