In Memory of Willie Mays

In Memory of Willie Mays

"Dropped off for a second," the soul said, coming around. "Whew. It's been a time. Gimme a minute." "Everything's casual," the old man said (smiling). The soul looked out and stepped back amazed. "Perfect day," the old man said quietly. "Sun (but not too hot), light breeze, grass as green as anything." "Never in all my life," the soul said and then grinned from ear to ear. "No way. NO WAY." It turned to the old man. "Pops, is this from "Field of Dreams"?" "It isn't FROM anything, it simply is," the old man answered. "You best get goin'; you're gonna be up." "Oh, I'm gonna be up," the soul said. "Let you keep the ball from the first home run." The old man smiled and touched the edge of his cap. "NO WAY! COME ON NOW!" the old man heard as he sat there waiting for the game to start. "You gonna play or sit around with your mouth open catching flies, Second Place?" came a voice from the dugout that could only have belonged to Babe Ruth. "Oh, we'll see who's in second place today!" the soul responded cheerfully. The stands were full and the crowd went wild as he stepped out, bat in hand. "Perfect day," the soul said under his breath, and the old man smiled.

In Memory of Donald Sutherland

In Memory of Donald Sutherland

