In Memory of Donald Sutherland

In Memory of Donald Sutherland

"Welcome," Peter said, making a gesture for the soul to come forward. It hesitated and looked at him with a wry smile, as if it found the moment amusing. "I'll get you checked in," Peter continued, and the soul put an eyebrow up. "I don't have a number if we're doing this DMV-style," the soul responded. "Every soul is unique, so every number would be "1"; it simply wouldn't do," Peter explained, remembering who he was talking to. There was a smile then - a twinkle in the eye and a lift to the head that declared equal parts intelligence and mischief. The check-in was silent, with the soul looking around less in wonder and more in scrutiny (as if it would complete a feedback form later); the mouth turned up at one corner as if heaven might ... only MIGHT, mind you ... eek by in its final score. "When you're ready," Peter offered, with a gesture to the opening gate. "Intriguing," the soul said, "and I like intriguing." It walked in slowly, unlikely to be rushed.



In Memory of Willie Mays

In Memory of Willie Mays