In Memory of Shelley Duvall

In Memory of Shelley Duvall

"We don't get many special requests like this," Peter told the soul, who nodded (but stood resolute). "Still ... I can see that this would be important. Perhaps it's time we change the "haunt" question and ask newcomers if they feel attached to and likely to haunt their past life AND/OR they desire to not feel haunted BY their past life (real or metaphorically)." The soul smiled; it was an innocent, fragile smile, and Peter was moved enough by it to embrace the soul gently. "Free yourself; enjoy yourself; know that you are loved." He handed the soul the keys, having put a baseball bat, chainsaw, can of gasoline, tin of fireplace matches, as well as an axe and crowbar at its feet. "Thank you," the soul whispered, and turned to head in. The Overlook loomed large, but trembled and drew back in surprise. "Hello to you, too," the soul said, smiling (axe in hand), as it began to climb the stairs.

In Memory of Richard Simmons

In Memory of Richard Simmons

