

It was "Hoarders" gold; the place looked like a castle and the man himself was twitchy and rat-like (rubbing his hands while thanking the crew for coming). As they set up and got rolling, the junk trucks arrived while the psychologist did their first aside and filmed a mini-session helping the man to dig deep and get in touch with something, somewhere in the mansion that he had lost and desperately wanted to find - something to hold onto as a key motivator when decision-making got overwhelming. "Oh, yes, yes absolutely," the man responded. "I have a box buried somewhere in there (he pointed to the lower level) that I ache to see again. It's very precious and important to me; every day, I fear that it is lost to me and I can't imagine the joy of being freed from that fear." He started to laugh nervously and (truthfully) it gave the psychologist the creeps, but it would be up to the editing folks to keep or scrap that bit. "I'm proud of you, Mr. Renfield," the psychologist said gently. "Just hold that goal in your mind - focus in on it, and imagine yourself opening it for the first time in years and years." Renfield shuddered, eyes burning brightly. "I will," he said grinning. "I do."



